Update. The ficus of the Meteors will now be rising over the Beauforts. The later you look tonight the better, brighter, and higher in the sky they will get.

Good morning friends.
The two major things to watch for in the coming days are the heat wave that will begin today and continue through Tuesday and the Perseid meteor shower will peaks this weekend but you should be able to see meteors in the night sky for at least the next 5 days.
First, the heat. Expect temperatures up to 35°C in the coming days. The UWash and EC models expect this to be relatively short lived, ending on Wednesday or Thursday but it is possible that it will linger. The next four days will be extremely hot and dry. Take all precautions to remain cool and do not for any reason light any wood based fires outdoors.
The upside to the hot weather will be reasonably clear skies. You will want a vantage point that gives you a view to the north sky. You can look on a star chart for the constellations Cassiopeia and Perseus and the meteors will be focused in between those two areas. In the darkest times of the night you should see many meteors per hour.

I would recommend finding a place on the south side of town like Harbour Quay, Maquinna school or Canal Beach.
Also, areas out Beaver creek that look down the Valley toward Mt Arrowsmith might provide a very good view of the meteors going from left to right across the sky across Mt Arrowsmith?
Stay safe out there and have fun. If you have any pictures or spots to share, please don’t hesitate to comment here, or reply on Mastodon or the Signal group.