Spring Average Minimum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Above Average

Spring Average Minimum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Above Average

The Drought that never ended.

I just published the April stats as well. And now here comes May and Spring!  While it might not have felt like it, and the start of June has been a little soggy, May was actually another notably dry month compared to average.

We only received half the normal amount of rain. We had a near normal number of days with rain, but those days were very light. We only had 2 days with more than 5 mm and none with more than 10 or 25mm. Normally we would get 6 days with more than 5, 2 days with more than 10 and every three years we should get a day with more than 25 mm.  

We haven’t had a day in May of rain with more than 25mm for more than 10 years – since May 15, 2011. 

The Podcast of this May and Spring Summary

You’ll be able to see more podcasts at: youtube.com/@alberniweather/podcasts. Hit Subscribe there to be notified.

Where did we end for Snowpack?

To quote the May 1st Snow and Water Supply Bulletin:

“As of May 1st, the provincial snowpack is extremely low, averaging 66% of normal across B.C. Last year, the provincial average was 91%”

This is the same starting statement as April.

Vancouver Island was at 49% of normal on May 1 and as of June 1 we are still at 50%.  


A tiny snow recovery

That said, the good news is after a very warm start to May, it ended cool. And that allowed the snow to stay a little longer than we might have anticipated.  As a result, we are currently a little above where we were last year for snowpack across the province.  Still not up to average (white line below) but at least out of the red.

Hopefully the cool start to June helped a little too.


Showing a black line overtop layers of colours. Indications are that relative to previous years the snowpack has lasted a little longer thanks to the cooler end to May, we are no longer in the red but we're well below normal.

Those Aurora! May 10-11

Check out the post from the night of the most impressive aurora I’ve ever seen in my life here in Port Alberni. 

How did Port Alberni Do for temperature, rain?

No records - but still not normal

We’ve had a few months now where we haven’t broken many records. May continued that trend. The Airport only set one new daily record on May 2 with a low of -0.9ºC but it was nowhere near the all time record for the day of -3.3ºC.

Similarly, this Spring was not hugely notable. Any other year it would have been fairly average but there is a very clear trend since the 1960s of warming, and a less clear trend, perhaps since 2000, of falling rainfall. You can see the warming trend in all of the graphs, below is the overall average (mean) temperatures for Spring.


Spring Mean Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Average
Spring Mean Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Average

You can see the clear slant of the top graph starting about half way (1960).  Even taking away the extreme coldest spring, 1954, (which is well supported, all three stations recording at the time saw the same big drop in temperature), there is still a pronounced trend higher from 1960 onward. All stations at all locations show higher highs and higher lows.  

Spring Rainfall in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Below Average
Spring Rainfall in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Below Average

Rainfall, the lower graph, is much harder to see a pattern, but it does seem as though there was a peak between about 1995 and 2005 with very high totals for springtime rain and since then we have seen lower values.

In fact, if we look at Robertson Creek station, which is the ‘rainiest’ station in the Valley to see how Springs have been long term, we see that this has been the driest stretch of 10 years for Spring of the past 60 years.

10 Year Periods with less than 400mm of rain for Spring (March/April/May):

  • 2015-2024: 7 of 10
  • 2005-2014: 3 of 10
  • 1995-2004: 5 of 10
  • 1985-1994: 4 of 10
  • 1975-1984: 6 of 10
  • 1965-1974: 3 of 10

We may already be into La Niña

From the latest (May 9) forecast update it looks like El Niño was pretty short this time and the transition to La Niña is ongoing.

“The forecast team continues to favor the dynamical model guidance, which suggests La Niña could form as early as June-August 2024, with higher confidence of La Niña during the following seasons. La Niña generally tends to follow strong El Niño events, which also provides added confidence in the model guidance favoring La Niña. In summary, a transition from El Niño to ENSO-neutral is likely in the next month. La Niña may develop in June-August (49% chance) or July-September (69% chance; [Fig. 7]).”

For the summer, I would not expect any large influences one or or another. It takes times for these changes to feedback into the system here. But I would consider the top “December-February” impacts for the September to December this year.  Could we see a ‘cool and wet’ La Niña influenced fall?

That’s all for this month! Enjoy the timelapses and stats below!

The Monthly Timelapses

For the first time, we have 3 timelapses! (North)East, South and West!

I’ve created a Youtube Playlist for Monthly Timelapses so they are easy to find.  You can check out the live webcam here and daily and hourly timelapses.

Next month we should have three views to see on the timelapse! Exciting times!

That’s all for March 2024! Thanks for stopping by!

Airport Daily Records Set this Month

Set at Airport* since 1994 and compared to Valley stations** for all time.
(since 1895 for rain, 1900 for temperatures, 1980 for snow on ground)

Only one new mark was set. A quiet month.


Graphs from Historical Alberni Valley Weather Stations

May 2024

Latest values on the far right, click to enlarge/download.

May Extreme Maximum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1900 as of 2024 - Above average.
May Extreme Maximum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1900 as of 2024 - Above average.
May Extreme Minimum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1900 as of 2024 - Average
May Extreme Minimum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1900 as of 2024 - Average
May Rainfall in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Below Average
May Rainfall in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Below Average
May Mean Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Average
May Mean Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Average
May Average Maximum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Above Average
May Average Maximum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Above Average
May Average Minimum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Average
May Average Minimum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Average

Spring 2024 Graphs

Spring Extreme Maximum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1900 as of 2024 - Above average.
Spring Extreme Maximum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1900 as of 2024 - Above average.
Spring Extreme Minimum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1900 as of 2024 - Average.
Spring Extreme Minimum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1900 as of 2024 - Average.
Spring Rainfall in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Below Average
Spring Rainfall in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Below Average
Spring Mean Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Average
Spring Mean Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Average
Spring Average Maximum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Above Average
Spring Average Maximum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Above Average
Spring Average Minimum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Average
Spring Average Minimum Temperatures in Port Alberni since 1895 as of 2024 - Average

May City Values Compared to Normal

  Extreme (ºC) Average (ºC) (mm) Wind (kph)
Location Max Min Min Mean Max Rain Dir Speed Day
Alberniweather 31.4 1.9 7.3 13.6 21.0 33.0 SE 46.7 16
Dave’s (Uptown) 31.9 2.4 7.5 13.4 20.2


Nick’s (South Port) 27.6 2.6 7.4 12.6 18.5 32.2 NA NA NA
Kitsuksis (North Port) 31.6 1.2 6.7 12.7 19.5 38.9 NA NA NA
Maquinna Elem NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA
  Extreme (ºC) Average (ºC) Average (mm) Ext. Wind (kph)
  Max Min Min Mean Max Rain Dir Speed Day
Combined City Averages 31.9 1.2 7.2 13.1 19.8 36.4 SE 46.7 16 
    5.6 11.7 17.7 75.0      
Difference from Normal     +1.6 +1.4 +2.1 -38.6

Extreme Day

34.1 -2.8       49.2   50  
  Max Min Min Mean Max Rain (mm) Dir Speed Day
  Extreme (ºC) Average (ºC)   Wind (kph)
Days of Rain >=0.2 mm >=5 mm >=10 mm >=25 mm
Normal 14.6 6.5 2.3 0.33
This Month
13 2 0 0

Please shift your phone to landscape/horizontal to see the table.

Official May Airport and Robertson Creek Environment Canada Stations Compared to Normal

Please shift your phone to landscape/horizontal to see the table.

  Extreme (ºC) Average (ºC) (mm) Wind (kph)
Location Max Min Min Mean Max Precip Dir Speed Day

Port Alberni Airport

30.1 -1.1 5.1 12.1 19.0 27.3 SSW 40 16

Robertson Creek
(To the 30th)

30.0 -1.0 5.9 12.7 19.5 47.8 NA    
(Robertson Creek)
    5.5 11.9 18.3 83.9      
Difference from Normal
(from Airport)
    -0.4 +0.2 +0.7 -56.6

Extreme Day

35.0 -2.2       68.8   NA  
  Max Min Min Mean Max Rain (mm) Dir Speed Day
 *New Extreme for Month        
Days of Precipitation >=0.2 mm >=5 mm >=10 mm >=25 mm

(Robertson Creek)

14.3 5.1 2.8 0.4
This Month
12 2 0 0

This Spring's Values Compared to Normal

Please shift your phone to landscape/horizontal to see the table.

These values are compiled in my own spreadsheet containing all ECCC stations data.

  Extreme (ºC) Average (ºC) Total (mm) Wind 
Location Max Min Min Mean Max Precip      
Port Alberni Airport 12.8 -13.6 1.1 3.8 6.5 793.8      
Alberniweather 15.1 -3.9 2.5 4.6 7.4 685.9      
  Extreme (ºC) Average (ºC) Total (mm) Ext. Wind (kph)
  Max Min Min Mean Max Precipitation Dir Speed Day
(Robertson Creek)
    -0.9 1.9 8.1 924.1      
Difference from Normal (at Airport)     +2.0 +1.9 -1.6 -130.3

Extreme Day

16.7 -22.2       127.5   43  
  Max Min Min Mean Max Precipitation (mm) Dir Speed Day
  Extreme (ºC) Average (ºC)   Wind (kph)
Days of Precipitation >=0.2 mm >=5 mm >=10 mm >=25 mm
Normal 59.1 37.6 28.3 13.1
This Month
57 31 22 7

* May have used backup Environment Canada Data source at WeatherStats.ca for Missing Data

** Short Term means since 1994 at the new AVRA Airport. Airport Records are compared to the 30+ year weather stations of record since 1900 (1895 for rain) at Beaver Creek, Port Alberni “City” and Robertson Creek.  Note that records pre 1950 may be more likely to over-estimate high temperatures.

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