The Alberniweather and Alberni Valley Climate Summary for November 2019

If this was the end of December, we would have had one of the driest years on record. Thankfully, we still have one month to go and we have rain in the forecast! That said, we didn’t quite receive 1/3rd of our normal rainfall for the normally very wet month of November.

Here is the graph for all the stations from 1890 until now. The lines show the averages, the points are the actual values from each station. (click for larger)

Currently, as the Alberniweather rainfall meter has been on a hiatus, (We’ll see tonight if it is back in action!) the only station in the records right now is the Airport station Only Alberni Elementary and Nick’s station have records. I intend to add records from the Alberni Elementary station at to the graph soon so that we have a second “city” station.

It might surprise readers that the month was actually quite a bit warmer than normal. We tend to have short memories and the last few days of the month were very cold so the warmth of the rest of the month may have been quickly forgotten.

Daily and All Time Records Set

Set at the Airport* since 1995 and compared to other stations** for “All Time” since 1900.

One high temperature and two low temperature records were set at the Airport. Neither record beat the all time high for stations in the valley though the November 17 high temperature came closest.

  • Nov 17 high temp 15.8º C: #1 is 17.2º C at Port Alberni in 1932.
  • Nov 29 low temp -9.2º C: #1 is -17.0º C at Robertson Creek in 1985.
  • Nov 30 low temp -10.1º C: #1 is -15.8º C at Port Alberni “A” in 1985

November 2019 City Station Data Comparisons

Minimum, Mean, and High Average Temp, Total Precipitation and Highest Wind

*Alberniweather rain gauge low battery. **Maquinna station offline. ***Nick’s data currently unavailable (not Nicks fault :)).

Overall City Averages compared to Station of Record Averages and Normals

  • City Average: 3.6º C, 6.2º C, 9.6º C,  92.0 mm
  • Airport* : 1.9º C, 5.6º C, 9.3° C114.6 mm, NE 31kph on 27th
  • Normal 1981-2010 (Rbrstn Creek): 1.8º C, 4.6º C 7.3° C, 353.2 mm

Differences from Normal

  • City 1.8° C, 1.6º C, 2.3º C-261.2 mm, (26.0% of normal)
  • Official Airport 0.1° C, 1.0º C, 2.0º C-238.6 mm (32.4% of normal)

Days of Precipitation*

Normal DaysDays This Month
>= 0.2 mm: 21.8 :  11
>= 5 mm:  13.7 : 7
>= 10 mm: 11 : 5
>= 25 mm: 5.2 : 1

* May have used backup Environment Canada Data source at

**^^ Missing Data from Airport, Alberniweather broke existing Airport record temperature. Temperature at Alberniweather will be different. Usually Alberniweather underestimates temperatures in summer compared to Airport.

** Short Term means since 1995 at the new AVRA Airport. Airport Records are compared to the 30+ year weather stations of record since 1900 (1895 for rain) at Beaver Creek, Port Alberni "City" and Robertson Creek.  Note that records pre 1950 may be more likely to over-estimate high temperatures.

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