No rain in sight – Varying heat – Bomber flies again today
Update 7:40AM
Aside from what looks like thunderstorm activity in the Interior, all the rainfall stays either well to the West and North touching only as close as Port Hardy and far to the East in Alberta.
The super long range out 16 days to past the end of the month looks the same with only the farthest reaches of the model showing any sign of rain at all.
Heat on to start the week, then backing off.
We start the week with the thermostate dialed up to over 30°C. Our saving grace will be the cool mornings. This morning it got to 9°C at the Airport. So those cool starts will help us avoid really nasty heat. But the warmth in general will be more moderate than we had in the beginning of the summer. After a few days over 30°C we should be closer to 25°C most days from Thursday on.
Bomber flies today.
Due to an illness with the crew, the Hawaii Mars has been grounded (watered?) on the lake for the past week.
According to their Facebook page, they have seconded a former Mars pilot from Harbour Air and today Transport Canada will be certifying him for fire fighting duties in the Mars, so watch for the big bird in the sky today.
Hopefully that means Hawaii will be back on alert as soon as tomorrow. Last I heard, her contract with the BC Government is up on the 21st.
Happy Monday everyone!