Near Record August 19? 5th Warmest July ever.
While yesterday, August 19, wasn’t an alltime record breaker, that goes to August 19, 1908 at 37.8C out Beaver Creek, we did come very close to a “modern” day (post 1950) record.
The highest temperature recorded after 1950 by other stations around the Valley is 34.4 at McCoy Lake in 1961 and Robertson Creek at 34.0 in 2004.
We got up to 33.0 at the Airport. The record to beat for the Airport station was 33.4, August 19, 2004.
In more broad warm-weather news. It might come as a shock to your friends or relatives back East, but July 2009 was, according to the NOAA and NASA, the 5th or 2nd warmest July respectively.
It will come as no surprise to us, as we had 17 of 31 days with highs over 28C including, of course, the incredible heat wave we had at the end of the month. The average maximum temperature is closer to 25C.
The overall average temperature for the month at my station was 20.3C, at the Airport it was 20.2C, the “Normal” is 17.9C.
The “Normal” amount of days over 30C? Seven. I had ten, the airport had thirteen!
Over 35C… one is normal, I had three and the Airport, FIVE!
Here’s what the rest of the world looked like. We’re moving into an El Nino, so we will likely see more of the same… remember, global warming/climate change doesn’t negate variability, what it forsees is that variability turning into, in some cases, higher lows, and higher highs. Which is exactly what we’re getting.
Those are dark looking clouds and nasty winds right now.
thats for sure! we watched them start to roll up the inlet yesterday evening about 6:30PM … pretty menacing. Thought for sure we’d get some rain out of them.