Month: April 2013

  • Transition day, then beautiful week and May looking good!

    Welcome to the fog! (Update: or should I say Goodbye?) Aside from the fog, I can’t say much bad about the weather this week. We got through what was a pretty blustery and chilly weekend and now we will be rewarded with most of the week being bright and sunny. It had originally looked like…

  • Damp weekend ahead – Dry April.

    This certainly looks like the greyest weekend we’ve had on tap for a while. That’s probably not a bad thing. It has been a fairly dry few weeks. I know my yard and newly popped open flowers, bushes, grapes, rhubarb – even the strawberries have flowers already – they could all use a good drink.…

  • Above 20C today. Check out the 3 hour time lapses

    It’s going to be another beauty of a day! The sun is already out. Hardly a hint of fog. The new webcam is gorgeous and now the time lapses are starting to return as well. First up, the rolling three hour timelapse. This timelapse updates every hour. It takes about 20 minutes to create the…

  • 19C yesterday, 20+ today… And a webcam!

    So not only was it incredibly nice all day Monday; not only was it even warmer than we were forecast to get; and not only was it so nice in the evening that we had a picnic dinner on the grass in the backyard…. But the webcam is officially back! Thanks to eBay and some…

  • Gonna be hothothot!

    OMG, almost forgot! Happy EARTH DAY everyone! It will be a beautiful one! Ok, so maybe hothothot is a bit of an exaggeration. You might not want to go jump in the lake or anything, but this is definitely shaping up to be the warmest week of the year so far. The fog shouldn’t even…