So not only was it incredibly nice all day Monday; not only was it even warmer than we were forecast to get; and not only was it so nice in the evening that we had a picnic dinner on the grass in the backyard…. But the webcam is officially back!

Thanks to eBay and some help from some new software on my server computer (running in VM in Windows on my Mac) the Alberniweather webcam has returned to the website!


I’m still working on returning the YouTube time lapses to working order. They should be ready by the end of the week this week or sooner.

I have some more webcam related surprises up my sleeve in the coming days and weeks as well… But for now, I’m just very happy that I can provide this service again.

I’m hoping that I might be able to return it to an outside location that will give it a more expansive view but that is still a little bit in the future.

As for the weather… It’s going to be beautiful! That’s all that needs to be said!

Happy Tuesday!

About The Author

2 thoughts on “19C yesterday, 20+ today… And a webcam!

  1. Hi Chris, speaking of things working outside, did you solar/invertor project fall off the face of the earth? I see the Enphase website hasn’t got any data in the last few days.

    1. Haha! I’m pretty sure you’re the only one who ever checks that 😀 I had to rewire a couple network ports to get the new webcam up and running.. and the enphase system was sacrificed for now to satisfy that. I’m going to hopefully get it back online this weekend. It’s still going strong… just raised the mount to summer angle last week!

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