Category: Wind

  • Big Wind Saturday Night?

    We’re looking down the barrel at quite the powerful little system coming at us tonight. Saturday afternoon and evening should be the worst of it. There are already warnings flying for the East, West, and South Coast of Vancouver Island as well as the Sunshine Coast. What I find most interesting though is where there…

  • Wet Weekend ahead

    This weekend, especially Saturday night and into Sunday, is going to be very wet. The models are currently predicting up to 120mm by the end of Monday. You can expect the first bout of showers to starting this evening. Then there should be a bit of a break on Friday before the main system comes…

  • Rain Rain here it comes

    The SunCast is only a memory now. What we have in store for us for the Thanksgiving Long Weekend is nothing short of a good old fashioned fall rain and wind storm. Woopee! From Thursday night to Saturday night we should get a moderate 40mm of rain. The heaviest looks like it will over Friday…

  • More rain coming for Sunday night and Monday

    We’ve been spared the bad dump of rain they got on the North end of the Island, but Sunday and Monday look to be the next big wet event of the fall. Shouldn’t be anything dangerous, but should be more significant than what we’ve had over the past day or so. Models say around 30-40mm…

  • Summers Wet end, and Possible storm end of month

    We’re into our last week of summer and it’s going to be a fairly soggy one. Today (Wednesday) will be raining, then we’ll get a break tomorrow before another bout of rain hits us on Friday or Saturday. In all, a pretty wet end to what was a dry summer. The week after next, around…