Spring has Sprung?

This is a pretty easy forecast to make this time. There is a whole lot of moisture out in the Pacific just waiting to come drench us.

It won’t be torrential rain, but it will be steady.

The strongest pulse of rain looks like it will be on Saturday and Sunday.

Today though it will be raining and probably fairly windy. Nothing like last week… but we should get some good gusts here and there. Those gusts should also bring in some warm air and push us into the 8C+ range which will feel pretty luxurious after a few weeks at or below zero.

That’s all I have for now.

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4 responses to “Spring has Sprung?”

  1. Bill B Avatar
    Bill B

    Okay, I’m ready for Spring now. Enough already with the cold!

  2. Hletterbox Avatar

    We’re planing to drive over to Tofino and back over the weekend of March 12th. Does this heavy rain mean heavy snow in the road passes? Do they plow or if there is snow sat night we might get stuck in Tofino?

    1. Mike Avatar

      Emcon has been pretty good at keeping the road as clear as possible. The best time to come out is during the day. And take your time, especially if you don’t know the road. It has the potential to spin a compass, there’s so many twists and turns. But, enjoy the views!

  3. Chris Alemany Avatar

    They will certainly plow if there is snow.
    However I think you should be OK.
    Lots of warm air now coming in with these storms.