Category: Wind

  • Wind is bringing rain tonight

    I’ve been listening to the wind in the trees tonight… sure feels like fall doesn’t it? We should get a decent bout of rain tonight and into tomorrow. I already see it on the radar making its way down the Island. There is a silver lining though! If we get a good shot of rain…

  • Explosive Cyclonic Generation

    Words that will surely make the heart of any weather-geek beat a little faster. That is how Mark Madryga described the low-pressure center and storm currently gathering force off the Washington Coast. You can see it quite nicely on the Satellite imagery right now… curling into a nice tight hurricane-esque spiral. If your weekend plan…

  • Happy Easter, A little more wind, and changing the view

    Happy Easter everyone. The Easter Bunny has visited our place this morning. I hope he hopped over to your place too. And I hope those of you who are celebrated the more traditional Easter are enjoying it as well. Weather-wise we will be having a little more wind and rain today. Nothing like Friday though.…

  • Batten down the Hatches

    Now for the real forecast. 🙂 There is a Wind Warning in Effect. Here’s the Synopsis from Environment Canada. I’ve added emphasis for us. Start: Inland Vancouver Island 4:08 AM PDT Friday 02 April 2010 Wind warning for Inland Vancouver Island continued Winds southeast 60 to 80 km/h expected today over much of Vancouver Island,…

  • New Forecast: Cloudy with a chance of Meatballs

    Spring can sometimes really make for some weird weather. And today is definitely living up to that. The official forecast is out from Enviro Canada. I couldn’t write this stuff myself, so I’ll just quote what they said: An intense frontal system will approach the British Columbia coast late today. The strongest winds will be…