Month: August 2013

  • Salmon Festival and Derby weekend looking great!

    The snapshot from right now, 7AM is a perfect, image of the brooding, moody, weather. Fall is here, and that means the weather is unpredictable and wild. Boy did we get a dose of wild yesterday! That was best lightning storm I’ve seen in Port Alberni in a number of years, (the last one destroyed…

  • Special Weather statement: it’s gonna rain.

    Environment Canada issued a special weather statement yesterday afternoon and evening. Here it is: Special weather statement continued for: East Vancouver Island, B.C. (081300) West Vancouver Island, B.C. (081400) Inland Vancouver Island, B.C. (081500) Current details: Significant rainfall after the long dry spell… The more intense front is still expected to sweep across the coast…

  • Big rain Thursday. But good news long weekend!

    We’ve had almost 11mm of rain in the past 24hrs and we are going to get a whole lot more before the end of the work week. But before you think that this month has been abnormally wet, that’s just your summer wishful thinking kicking in. So far we have received 37mm of rain in…

  • Wet week starts tonight – And the clearing North Hole

    We got pretty lucky on the weekend. After a few showers on Friday and Saturday (but less than anticipated) it cleared right up on Sunday and we were treated to another beautiful summer day! Today has already started out pretty well and we should have more sun than clouds for the majority of the morning.…

  • Saturday Update: No more rain! (Hot today. Cool and wet Friday Weekend)

    Update 10:45 Saturday. The threat of rain has passed for the weekend unless you are on the extreme West Coast. ENJOY! Soak in the sun today folks. It should get close to 30 degrees if not a bit more. As of tomorrow though, it’s going to switch back to clouds and rain. If you are…