Month: March 2009

  • Almost Forgot! Happy Spring!

    As of around 5AM this morning, it’s Spring! Hooray! :+) We ended up with about 35 hours straight of rain. Not too shabby! Hopefully that replenished some of the snowpack that has been so low this year. It likely won’t be enough to stave off a dry summer, but every little bit helps. Looks like…

  • A Full Day of Rain!

    It took the *entire* winter season… but there’s a very good chance that March 18 will have rain from Midnight right through to Midnight. I haven’t checked specifically but I believe this is the first real dump of rain we’ve had since November! And it’s spring on Friday. A crazy winter…. We should get a…

  • Strong Low, more Snow

    Could be a rather fun 24 hours. Notice the Barometer is quite low this morning and dropping. That’s the lowest it has been pretty much all winter. The EC forecast is talking about a “very deep” low forming just offshore that sping some moisture into the area and, thanks to the cool airmass, cause snow…

  • The Rains are coming – Or not? (Updated)

    But maybe a little more snow first. 😉 Just looked at the GFS model this morning and it’s predicting 122mm of raim between Saturday and Tuesday… most of that coming on Monday and Tuesday. I have little doubt that the later you get into that forecast, the warmer it will be and the less likely…

  • Swing into Spring!

    Tonight we “Spring ahead” one hour into Pacific Daylight Savings Time. That means also that I swing my camera back around to the South. Hopefully the sun is tracking high enough in the sky that it won’t burn a line into my lens. I think it’ll be ok! I missed this view… it’s definitely superior…