It took the *entire* winter season… but there’s a very good chance that March 18 will have rain from Midnight right through to Midnight.

I haven’t checked specifically but I believe this is the first real dump of rain we’ve had since November! And it’s spring on Friday.

A crazy winter….

We should get a break from the rain by Saturday.

UPDATE: As of 5AM this morning it has been raining for 29 hours straight! Ahhh… I feel so at home 🙂

Well that was a good soaker! We ended up with about 35 hours straight of rain. Not too shabby! Hopefully that replenished some of the snowpack that has been so low this year. It likely won’t be enough to stave off a dry summer, but every little bit helps.

Looks like we’re in for a few days of variable weather, maybe some flurries in the mix, should get some nice sunny breaks on the weekend. Time to get out into the garden!

Oh, and I’m very excited to announce that I made a minor breakthrough in my own learning of all things web-ish. And so within a few days you should be seeing automaticallly updating weather information (without need for a “refresh/reload”) on this site. Hooray!

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6 thoughts on “A Full Day of Rain!

  1. thinking of moving to PA – whats teh weather like??? # of sun days? # of rain days etc
    can someone tell me or point me to a website that will tell me

  2. Whoa! Sorry about that long link Chris. Did I break something? Anyway, I just wanted to add that EC also has 1971 – 2000 data. I have no idea why they split it into two, and I wish they would bring it more up to date so we can compare more recent years.

  3. OMG YOU BROKE MY SITE YOU …..! 😉 (Hopefully you watch SouthPark to get that. 😉

    Hi Eric, Welcome to PA! (Soon) Bills link is the way to go but broadly you can safely say that any other year than this year, which has been usually dry this winter, October to April is generally cloudy with rainy periods and some happy sunny moments in there that we cherish.

    May to September is generally Sunny and July and August are down right smokin’ hot great time to spend on the Lake, camping, or down the Inlet.

    Hope to see you soon!

  4. Oh… you could also go to the WeatherUnderground archive of webcam images for alberniweather.

    Click on the Webcams link on the left and it’s at the bottom left. WUnderground “detects” what the weather was like on the day the movie was saved. Kinda cool way to see how the weather has been in the past.

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