Warmer than expected Morning – But Watch for Ice!
Woke up this morning to hear the SE wind blowing and the temperature popped up to 3ºC overnight. We got 23cm (9″) by 9PM last night. The Airport officially got 24cm, I’ve seen reports of up to 28cm around Port Alberni.

Some of that will have melted last night with the warm wind. However, that wind also provided a windchill well below zero, so we could have areas on the roads where melt was flash frozen. Be extremely careful out there if you must drive.
SD70 and NIC and VIU Closed – SNOW DAY!
I can’t remember the last time SD70 actually called a snow day, but today is the day!! :+)
VIU and NIC have also cancelled morning classes.
Looking Ahead – Snow Possible Wednesday Night – Then Friday
Most areas will just have wind, and windchill, to deal with through the day but there are some patches of snow that develop on the model briefly tonight in the 7-10PM period.

It looks like the main focus of potential additional snow is down near Chemainus, Duncan and Cowichan. There might also be some near Buckley Bay and Denman Island.
I would be careful near the inland hills on the Island, Coombs, Errington, Cumberland and along the Beauforts. There is convection and possible thunderstorm type activity. These will be enhanced near the mountains.
Friday Night Snow?
There is an indication of another snow event Friday night. It looks much more focused on the Alberni Valley and Cowichan Valley which makes me think it is likely to be a mix of snow turning to rain.

We’ll wait to see more details in the next day or two.
Until then, enjoy the snow and please stay safe if you have to drive. Check DriveBC for conditions and possible accidents/closures.