Extremely low Snowpack – New Podcast Out – Family Weekend Forecast

Extremely low Snowpack – New Podcast Out – Family Weekend Forecast

New Podcast Out

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Forecast First – Mostly dry weekend

As I mentioned yesterday, the forecast looks mostly dry but some areas, like the West Coast will see rain.

More details in the YouTube above but the summary is:

  • West Coast and North Island showers/rain Saturday
  • Possible showers in Port Alberni and Bowser/Courtenay.
  • Mostly Dry all other areas Saturday
  • Mostly dry on Sunday in all areas, possible pockets of showers. Warm.
  • Monday possible showers in Victoria but short lived.

Very Concerning Snowpack – BC Wide and Island

The February 15th Commentary is Out from the BC River Forecast Centre.

We have an extremely low snowpack. Below is the graph for the entire province showing 2023/24 at below the 10th percentile for this time of year. Worse than 2022/23.

BC Automated Snow Weather Station Composite (1988 - 2024) - Shows a graph with multiple colours. The legend has 90th - Max as dark blue, 75th-90th percentile as light blue, 25th-75th as green, median line in white, 10th-25th as yellow and Min to 10th in red.  The purple line is 2022/23 and shows below the median for all of last season. The season is 2023-24 in black and is below last year and mostly below the red minimum.
A graph showing the equivalent water in millimetres in the snow pack across BC. 2023-24 season is below the minimum/10th percentile area which would mean it is among the lowest on record throughout this year. Source BC River Forecast Centre

The picture on the Island is even more bleak. Check out the current snow measurements. The percentage of snow for this time of the season at the stations in the table below are:

  • Wolf Creek 1400m (North Island)
  • Jump Creek (South Island between Nanaimo Lakes and Cowichan Lake) 1100m
  • Heather Mountain (Northwest end of Cowichan Lake) 1100m
  • Mt. Arrowsmith (South-East side) 1400m
  • The bottom line is the average for Vancouver Island

If you’re wondering where these stations are here’s a map:

A screenshot from the BC River forecast centre map shows Vancouver Island in Brown. There are markers on the Island for each snow station. I have labelled each one starting with Wolf Creek in the north mid-Island, then Mt. Arrowsmith, Jump Creek and Heather Mountain.
A map from BC River Forecast. Vancouver is brown because it is at 30% of normal as of February 8.

Unfortunately you can see the Wolf Creek station, in Strathcona park, has the highest amount of snowpack with just over half of normal (55%). Mt. Arrowsmith, which is at the same elevation, is at 40%. Jump Creek is 0%, no snow at 1100m. Heather Mountain is at only 21% also at 1100m near the same area.

This is obviously a major concern for water supply on Vancouver Island and the general water needs of our forests, lakes, rivers and food supply.

So while we might be hoping for spring… perhaps what we should be hoping for is another round of cold, snowy weather. The snowpack could use it!

Have an excellent weekend. I hope you’re able to enjoy it with family and friends.

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