The Alberniweather and Port Alberni Climate Summary for December 2021
Story of the Month – So cold – December snow returns!
We started with a very warm December 1st but that was it for the warmth. Thanks to a chill that began just before Christmas, December 2021 will go down as one of the coldest Decembers in memory, and in the records. We missed setting an all-time December temperature low by less than 2ºC but the Airport set 7 new low temperature records since 1994 and 3 new all time day records on the 26th, 27th, and 29th.
Our overall mean temperature at the Airport was -1.1º C, the 2nd coldest since 1983. The average for low temperatures was also among the lowest recorded. However, there is a caveat in these averages as the Airport did not report data on the 13th and 14th. Check out the graphs below.
Note that the rainfall shows Alberniweather with a very low rain mark, I need to investigate why this is, Maquinna and Alberni Elementary reported proper numbers. The Airport shows a below normal amount of precipitation.
As I mentioned in the November post, La Niña look set to deliver snow, and snow it did including a perfect Christmas Day! In all Alberniweather has received about 30cm of snow (12″) through the month but other locations in the Valley are likely double that. This is the most, and earliest, snow we’ve had for a number of years. Remember last winter we almost didn’t receive snow at all!
We’ll see what January, and 2022, holds but it seems a we are deeply into an extreme set of patterns, so keep on your toes and stay safe out there.
Enjoy the stats and Happy New Year!
Daily and All Time Day Records Set
Set at the Airport* since 1994 and compared to other stations** for “All Time” since 1900 (1895 for rain).
One new high temperature set at the Airport. 7 new low marks. Three all time daily records. All time low for December is -18.3º C on December 28 1968.
- Dec 1 high temp 12.7º C : #1 is 16.7ºC at Port Alberni in 1941
- Dec 21 low temp -10.6º C : #1 is -12.8ºC at Beaver Creek in 1924
- Dec 26 low temp -13.3º C : NEW ALL TIME DEC 26 beats -12.8ºC at Beaver Creek in 1921
- Dec 27 low temp -16.5º C : NEW ALL TIME DEC 27 beats -11.1ºC at Lupsi Cupsi in 1968
- Dec 28 low temp -14.5º C : #1 and all-time month low is -18.3º C at Robertson Creek in 1968
- Dec 29 low temp -15.4º C : NEW ALL TIME DEC 29 beats -14.0ºC at Robertson Creek in 1990
- Dec 30 low temp -12.7º C : #1 is -17.2º C at Robertson Creek in 1968
- Dec 31 low temp -12.2º C : #1 is -16.7º C at Beaver Creek in 1951
This Month’s Graphs from Alberni Valley Weather Stations
A selection of graphs from Environment Canada stations and Alberniweather

City Station Values
Mean Min, Mean, and Mean Max Temperature,
Total Precipitation and Highest Wind
- Alberniweather: -1.7º C, 0.6º C, 3.2º C, NA, SSE 51.5 kph on 1st
- Alberni Elem. : -1.5º C, 0.9º C, 3.5º C, 165.6 mm, SSW 24 kph on 1st
- Maquinna Elem.: -1.5º C, 0.5º C, 2.8º C, 226.8 mm, NA
- Neptune: NA
- Nick’s (Maq area): NA
City and Airport Averages
Compared to Normal
Differences from Normal (1971-2000) in the City
-1.8° C, -1.8º C, -1.5º C, -106.2 mm (65.9%)
This Month’s Values
- City Stations: -1.6º C, 0.7º C, 3.2º C, 196.2 mm
- Normal 1971-2000 (Prt Alb A (Somass)): 0.2 ºC, 2.5 ºC 4.7 °C, 302.4 mm
Differences from Normal Month (1981-2010) at the Airport
-3.6° C, -2.7º C, -1.7º C, -139.8 mm (58.5%)
This Month’s Average Airport Values
- Airport : -4.1º C, -1.1º C, 2.0° C, 197.1 mm, NE 25kph on 1st
- Normal 1981-2010 (Rbrtsn Creek): -0.5º C, 1.6º C 3.7° C, 336.9 mm
Normal Days of Precipitation at Airport (1981-2010)
This Month’s Normal at the Airport
- >= 0.2 mm: 20.4 : 18
- >= 5 mm: 13.3 : 10
- >= 10 mm: 10.1 : 5
- >= 25 mm: 4.9 : 3
* May have used backup Environment Canada Data source at for Missing Data
** Short Term means since 1994 at the new AVRA Airport. Airport Records are compared to the 30+ year weather stations of record since 1900 (1895 for rain) at Beaver Creek, Port Alberni “City” and Robertson Creek. Note that records pre 1950 may be more likely to over-estimate high temperatures.