Wintry Family Day Weekend
The forecast is pretty cold and wet. While we are unlikely to see any serious accumulation in Port Alberni or any other lower-elevation, there will definitely be snow on the mountains and maybe in the deeper Valley locations. If you’re travelling, take your time on the roads and expect it to be dirty and slippery going over the mountain passes.

Thankfully there are no big storms predicted, only a steady flow of cool moisture, though Family Day Monday (covered by the picture above) does look to be the wettest of all the days. We’ll keep an eye on it.
Speaking of Winter – They’re getting Warmer.
It’s been a little while since I posted here because I’ve been working on a presentation for the local Alberni Valley Nature Club which I gave this past Tuesday. They are a great group of folks that make a point of getting out into nature around our beautiful Valley.
The presentation was an update to one I gave ten years ago. I recorded the presentation into a YouTube Video. You’re welcome to check it out on the Alberniweather Youtube Channel. Not only does it talk about trends we’ve seen but there is also a little bit about the rise of Personal Weather Stations. There are 15 PWS’s in the Valley now! Lots of Weather Geeks out there 🙂
Hope you enjoy the presentation. If you have any thoughts, comments, or questions, feel free to post them here or on Youtube.
Have a wonderful weekend.