Month: June 2012

  • Break through the fog!

    We are a little socked in this morning. The East side of the Island is bathed in warm sun but we have a pretty thick deck of cloud above us. Once the sun climbs high enough into the sky though I think you’ll see the clouds burn off pretty quickly and we should get into…

  • WHEN WILL SUMMER GET HERE?? — Rain Rain Go Away.

    Dan asks in the comments: “When do you see the weather changing? Any stretches of sunshine coming our way before July gets here?” I have a feeling he’s asking about those real stretches of warm, even hot, dry weather where you come out the other side actually wishing for a cool rain storm so you…

  • Enjoy the Sun while it’s here!

    The sun is beautiful this morning. Make sure you get out and enjoy it because it’s going to get cloudy by tonight (Update: Uh, make that… by 9AM! :+) ) and be raining by this time tomorrow. Thankfully, the rain will be strong, but short lived and the weekend is shaping up quite nicely. Warm…

  • Success! Seeing Venus transit of the Sun from Port Alberni!

    Update! Some last ones from Brian Hartt posted at the bottom. Spooky! The skies finally started to clear in the past couple hours and the sun is now visible along with Venus! (using the proper equipment, see previous post!) A local resident, Brian Hartt, has taken some excellent pictures with his telescope! Click for full…

  • Can you see Venus through the clouds?

    Today is a very special day! Today the planet Venus will pass between the Earth and the Sun. As I heard yesterday on the CBC, this is a very rare event, the next time it happens will not be for another 105 years. It’s also one of the most important events astronomically because it was…