Month: November 2011

  • Snow reaches Nanaimo – major rain event shaping up

    Update 4: 3:15PM: snow is all done in Nanaimo and everywhere else it appears. Sun is breaking through and slush is melting. But it has that chill in the air… Everyone bundle up tonight, -7C forecast, expect ice tomorrow! Update 3: 12:14PM: It is snowing moderately at VIU campus and it is now sticking. Be…

  • Beware – Possible “Straight Effect” Snow on East Coast

    There is a snowfall warning posted for the East Coast of Vancouver Island tonight. “A narrow band of heavy snow is forecast to form in an unstable flow across Georgia strait that will slide southward through East Vancouver Island this evening. This burst of snow is expected to affect areas from Campbell River to Nanaimo…

  • Beautiful February morning in November

    I dunno. Walking out the door with clear skies and the stars out overhead just seems a little strange for November doesn’t it? I’ve heard more than a few comments from people wondering if they brought Alberta winters back with them from Alberta. Be careful out there. The roads will be icy especially on north…

  • SNOW Falling! — Snow Contest Winner! Congratulations Jochem Juurlink!

    Well, it can’t get any more official than what has happened in the past couple hours! THe snow started at approximately 9:10AM this morning and it has continued. We now have about 1cm (judging by the webcam) with likely a little more in places. We could get up to 5cm today. It should turn to…

  • Has the Snow shoe finally dropped?

    Over the past couple days anyone paying attention to a number of weather forecasts would have noticed some inconsistencies with this weeks forecast, especially later in the week. Environment Canada had originally been calling for no chance of snow at all, while other models have consistently suggested some sort of late week cold that could…