Month: December 2009

  • Happy New Year… two weeks of Wet! (and wind?)

    So doing my regular swipe through the forecast models today and I came across a beauty of a long range forecast. Basically, our first few weeks of 2010 are going to be wet. And not just a little wet. If the forecast holds (and yes, that’s a big if right now) then between January 1…

  • Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

    Hi everyone! Merry Christmas! Well, not a whiff of snow around here. But hey, at least we don’t have a blizzard like most of the US. It’s going to stay pretty much as it has been the past week. I think the weather is taking a holiday too. Nothing really exciting happening though there is…

  • White Christmas predictions?!

    5 days left until the most important day of the year! And that goes for the Weather too! As I’m typing this, the sun is actually starting to poke through the morning clouds. Somewhere, there is a rainbow in our fair little Valley, and it’s not even 9:30AM! An auspicious start surely… and a sign…

  • Rain Rain, what about Christmas?

    So you might be wondering what the Christmas forecast is? Well… it’s still a ways out there… but you might just be looking at it right now. That’s right. A little bit of wind, a bunch of wet..and lots of green. It’s not all bad news though, there is start amongst the weather blogs that…

  • Days of Teasing… now a Warning!

    Update 2: The Snowfall Warning has now ended. I’ll have a new post up tomorrow. UPDATE: We have a Winner! Zsolt Hengsperger! The Winner has Won a Fabulous NOMA LED Flashlight! Could the winner please email me at chrisale at gmail dot com and we can set up a time for him to come pick…