Month: May 2009

  • Spring Weather continues

    It wouldn’t be the West Coast if we didn’t have sun, rain, wind and rainbows… every day in Spring. 🙂 It’s a beautiful time of year. We should see more of the same for the next week or so before it heats up for any length of time. We’ll see if we can get some…

  • Rain Rain Rain…. but sun is coming!

    I have to admit, I’ve enjoyed the rain. Feels like home. Just haven’t seen rain like this in the last few months. It was nice to fall asleep to rain drops on the roof last night and…. though it wasn’t so great when I was awakened by rain battering on the window in 60kph gusts…

  • Some real “weather” coming (UPDATED)

    It has been a very quiet couple months. This next few days though we should get some rain. We didn’t end up getting a whole lot yesterday, only around 4mm, but it looks like tomorrow and Tuesday will give us some more. Just in time to “water in” those new garden plots. We went for…