Rain Rain Rain…. but sun is coming!
I have to admit, I’ve enjoyed the rain. Feels like home. Just haven’t seen rain like this in the last few months. It was nice to fall asleep to rain drops on the roof last night and…. though it wasn’t so great when I was awakened by rain battering on the window in 60kph gusts in the early morning.
I’ve also noticed on my daily drive to Qualicum that the Cameron River through Cathedral Grove is big, fast and thick with silt.
The rain is going to stick around tonight and tomorrow but it’s supposed to be warm again for Friday and into the weekend!
Chris: Every time your home page refreshes it loses most of the content. If I refresh it myself it’s fine, but in 10 seconds it’s gone again. I have IE 8 and it’s the same in compatibility view or not.
Thanks Bill. I’ll fire up IE8 and have a look at it this morning.
We are having the same problem as Bill…This new refreshing every 5 seconds, is making me practice my speed reading…
I’ve done a quick patch to at least make it visible for you folks. There seems to be a seperate problem though that it isn’t refreshing the data, only the webcam, so if you are using Internet Explorer you will have to manually refresh it.
It is working fine in Firefox on Windows (www.firefox.com) as well as Safari and Firefox on the Mac.
Thanks for letting me know! I’ll try to address it completely tonight.
Chris, I had similar problems with that on my site, and the fix was a few more lines in a javascript file for the AJAX stuff.
I’ll see if I can remember what lines it was and fire it your way in an email.
That would be wonderful Nick, thanks!
Chris have you seen this website before? http://www.intellicast.com/Local/Weather.aspx?location=CAXX0362
They also have a cool satelite picture… http://www.intellicast.com/Storm/Hurricane/PacificSatellite.aspx?animate=true
Dan, that first link although it says Port Alberni is getting its data from CWGT which is Sisters Island lighthouse auto system.
And for those not in the know… Sisters Island is in George Straight near Nanaimo! 🙂
Dan: Your second link to the animation is great! Which is why if you click into the Satellites and Charts section and click “Animation” you’ll see it there 😀