Some real “weather” coming (UPDATED)
It has been a very quiet couple months. This next few days though we should get some rain. We didn’t end up getting a whole lot yesterday, only around 4mm, but it looks like tomorrow and Tuesday will give us some more. Just in time to “water in” those new garden plots.
We went for a nice hike along Roger Creek on the weekend. The trail was nice and dry even with the cool moist forest around. The trilliums are out too.
UPDATE: Yowza, check out the Satellite imagery tonight, Monday, have a real pinwheel spinning off Vancouver Island! The Marine, Hurricane Force wind warning for the North part of the West Coast has thankfully been downgraded to Storm force same as the southern portion. But that is still some impressive looking storm out there and our Barometer just keeps dropping.
Looks like the barometer is leveling off. So the low must be nearing its’ closest approach to us on its march to the North and East up the Coast. Don’t be surprised if we get a blow of wind just as the barometer reverses and heads up. The lower it goes, the bigger the blow when it turns, usually.
Which part of the creek did you hike?
Yeah the rain will be nice for new plantings, but it’s going to be cool too, so only the strong will survive.
I see a little wind in the forast too!
Nick: Just the trail off the highway near the hospital. Kids enjoyed it, as did the puppy.
Bill: Darwin would be proud.
Eve: My puppy wasn’t so impressed with the little blow we had yesterday evening!
You mentioned the trail being dry….the fire rating out by the Tseshaht market read moderate the other day….yikes.
I’m not sure who is keeping that one up to date, or not up to date. The BC Wildfire site shows 1 value, the Canadian Wildfire site shows another for here as well, and the FWI my weather software says another value. Well, if we get all this wet in the next few days, it’ll lower things down a bit.
Wow! This may be the strongest system we have seen in months – why did it wait until May? According to the Ready Meteorogram we could get another 50 + mm of rain by thursday.