Website Moving to More Reliable and Faster Place

I hope anyway!

I apologize for the lack of updates in the past week. I’ve recently obtained a new situation for my websites including this one (which is the biggest and most busy by far of course).

I am nearing the point where I can “flip the switch”. Most of the data is moved over and tonight (Wednesday) I am going to have a first go at switching from old to new.

If all goes well, you may not notice any downtime (compared to what has been happening)… it might just all of a sudden seem faster.

More realistically, there should be an hour or two where the Interwebs updates and points to the new place.

Either way, if it doesn’t look like it will work tonight then I’ll just switch it back.

If it does work, I will make a new post and let ya’ll know.

Thanks for your patience! I am very optimistic that when this is done the website will be much more reliable and faster!

I will have updates on Mastodon as well. It is not impacted by the move.

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