Tag: Hot

  • Wildfire Rating moves to Extreme

    Wildfire Rating moves to Extreme

    Moving up. As forecast, BC Wildfire moved their danger rating to Extreme for the Beaver Creek (Alberni Airport) region which you can see below in this afternoon’s map. Most of the South Island and South Coast west of the mountains is under high or extreme conditions while the north island remains at low and moderate.…

  • Monday morning shower but Fire Rating to Extreme by Wednesday

    Monday morning shower but Fire Rating to Extreme by Wednesday

    Short post. We got just enough precipitation this morning to wet the ground and soak the gardens. Thank you for that rain gods! It will clear up this afternoon. The wet ground will likely add to the humidity and make it feel hotter than the 25ºC that we get up to. Expect Sun and 32ºC…

  • Thunderstorms possible today less tomorrow. Heat coming next week.

    Thunderstorms possible today less tomorrow. Heat coming next week.

    Greatest chance for thunder Thursday. The cooler and unsettled weather will bring the chance of a thunderstorm this afternoon. Port Alberni will likely see the most rain around noon to 2PM. East sections of the Island will see rain start a little later. The threat of thunder and lightning will start around noon and extend…

  • Forecast turns dry through next week.

    Forecast turns dry through next week.

    A really quick post because the message is pretty simple. There is no rain in the forecast for the South Island. Here is a very zoomed out view of our part of the world. The first picture is all the rain expected to fall, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Notice our little part of the island…

  • Watch the smoke flow over the province like the data out of my wallet.

    Watch the smoke flow over the province like the data out of my wallet.

    How are the Arctic, Alberta Fires, Smokey Port Alberni skies, and US Tornadoes all connected? The Jet Stream. Here’s the Jet Stream modelled this morning. Red line is mine. This rather bent-out-of-shape pattern has been a frequent topic on this blog. Search for “Rutgers” on this webpage and you’ll come up with these blog entries…