You really can’t ask for better weather for bike to work week. It should be cool in the mornings with morning low cloud. Nice and cool for your morning bike commute.
Then you will have a hot ride home, especially Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday when temperatures should get over 25ºC. Hopefully your bike ride home is headed north, because you will either have a pretty serious head wind or a great tailwind!
We remain in a very stable pattern with very little precipitation. The Jetstream has curved way to the North of us.
It has been like this for a couple weeks really…. with just little bits and pieces of it passing over our area seemingly randomly… this is the image a few days from now.
You’ll notice some kits of hit heading down towards California and Mexico. This is the likely source of the moisture for the devastating floods in Texas.
This is the imagery for NEXT Monday.
We are still mostly spared from its influence but notice the freight train coming for California. Perhaps it will deliver some rain (hopefully not torrential) to those parched parts of the Western US. That big “blob” of clearness directly off of Vancouver Island and Washington State is a great example of what has *caused* the ‘blob’ of warm water over the past many months. Without cool ocean winds, that water just absorbs more and more heat thanks to these unusual jet stream patterns that are bringing extended sunny skies here, and extended cold wet weather in middle North America and strange weather all over the Northern Hemisphere.
Arctic Ice extent minimum currently being “crushed”.
Check this graph out…
After a record low and early winter maximum, the Arctic Ice is way below the record for this time of year. Lets hope this slows down a bit.
Here is the data from a confirmed source: National Snow and Ice Data Centre.
Well below the 2012 line, and almost below two standard deviations.