New Anemometer and Sensor Transmitter Installed! – Wind Measurements back in time for hot weekend.
After too many weeks without wind measurements, the new anemometer and sensor transmitter finally arrived.
There will be some erroneous measurements from when I was testing in the afternoon inside the house but I will clean those up in the data later. Hooray for complete statistics again! The new gear is so shiny and clean. Hopefully it lasts another 10 years or more.
I will be trying to refurbish the old sensor transmitter so that I can continue using it as another temperature station in the garden or pond.
More heat coming
The sun has been relentless this month as we continue to go without any precipitation since mid-June. Temperatures have been reasonable though. That will change a little this week as EC has put out a statement to expect temperatures in the mid-30s. Try to stay hydrated, and conserve waters.
Take care.