Hot Labour Day Weekend Smoke May Limit Heat

Hot Labour Day Weekend Smoke May Limit Heat

Happy September!

Environment Canada (EC) has issued a statement that the high pressure area now building and about to deliver us back into 30°+ temperatures will also likely deliver smoke from the Interior fires as well. They say:

“Under this weather pattern, the airmass will also become quite stagnant. Combined with developing outflow winds, it is possible that wildfire smoke will eventually make its way out to the coast.”

The last time we had a large amount of smoke in the area, it depressed our forecast high temperatures by a number of degrees. So keep that in mind as you check out the highs up to next Wednesday when this ridge may begin to break down. Air Quality will also be a concern if the smoke gets thick again.

UWash expect temperstures between 27-29°C for us this afternoon.  Notice the northerly winds in the upper Strait of Georgia, typical for a high pressure pattern.  And notice the easterly outflow winds coming out of the Fraser Valley.  Those will be the ones that draw smoke out from the interior.

By Saturday afternoon the heat really picks up. We see a spot ofnpink in the upper Alberni Valley in the model above indicating 31-33°C temperatures. We also see the winds pretty much the same though perhaps less from the northerly side so perhaps this will mark when we see the smoke come in.

On Sunday it will be stay hot (smoke permitting) with highs in the 31-33°C range.

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will all be in the same range with Tuesday possibly even hotter, again smoke permitting.

Finally, I must include the fire danger rating!

The danger rating remains high to extreme across the Island and most of the province. There is no lightning in the forecast. So any fires that start will be on us. Please be safe and smart out there. Have a great weekend and if you are in Port Alberni see you at the Salmon Derby!

Fireworks are tonight at dusk!

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