Happy New Year! Rain and December Timelapse and Summaries Coming

Happy New Year! Rain and December Timelapse and Summaries Coming

Three Waves of Rain – Strongest Friday

Rain is on the way. It’ll come in three waves.

  1. Tuesday starting 10AM across the Island ending by midnight with scattered showers lingering.
  2. Thursday morning – a short but possibly blustery event that clears by the afternoon.
  3. Friday afternoon – the strongest event appears Friday sweeping down from the north Island in morning to the South Island by afternoon and evening. Expect strong winds on the coasts. It should clear and dry up by early Saturday morning.

We might see some temperatures near freezing by the end of the week but the chances of snowfall look quite remote right now.

Timelapse and Summaries Coming

The computer crunched away on the December timelapse all day yesterday. It is ready to be uploaded to the Youtube Channel now. Keep an eye out for it there (You can subscribe to be notified too). I’ll also include it in the upcoming December and 2023 Summary! It’ll take me a few days to put that together. Lots of numbers to crunch and records to remember through the past year! I think it is safe to say, 2023 was an important year.

See you soon and a very Happy New Year to all!

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