Happy Labour Day! A very short visit from Ignacio. First day of school forecast.

I hate to disappoint you but we need not worry too much about the remnants of Ignacio.  It looks like the remnant low (swirl below) will get dragged into Haida Gwaii Tuesday afternoon by the jetstream but won’t pack much rain with it.

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Vancouver Island will only see a few whisps of rain from that event and thus, if you are in Port Alberni for the first day of school, you should be able to count on a cloudy, but dry, day.

Here is the look at the 5-8AM period.


And the rest of the day to 5PM gradually dries up on the rest of the South Island.


In fact, there is no rain predicted for Port Alberni in the entire week forecast from UWash.  There is a small push on the west coast on Wednesday but after that we get into a larger drier pattern that appears to last through the weekend.  Thursday and Friday look nice and warm into the 20s again. Good news for Fall Fair!

Happy Labour Day Monday.  Hooray for unions and the people within them that fought for (and fight to keep) weekends, holidays, pensions, benefits, maternity leave and all the other things many of us take for granted.  And if you don’t have those things ask yourself why not and what you need to do to get them. You and all working people deserve it.




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