Great BC Shakeout Thursday! Enjoy the Sun Rain coming Saturday

Are you ready to Drop, Cover and Hold On tomorrow?

Listen to 93.3 the Peak Thursday morning.  They will be broacasting an emergency message at 10:15AM.

This will be my drill on this website.

1: I will post a pre-prepared post as soon as the shaking stops and I am safe. In a real event this might not be for a long time.  It is difficult to say of course.

2: the post will not have much but will include critical links. It will be districuted on facebook and twitter.

3: it will be a rolling post with the caveat that my family and my own safety will come first before any other updates are made.

Hope you can join millions of others all around the world in this drill so that we can all be a little better prepared for when the Big One, followed by The Big Wave, strikes.

Pleasant week – Rain Saturday

The pleasant weather should continue until friday when it will cloud over and then the rain will come overnight Friday and into Saturday morning.


It will continue through much of Saturday then back off and then return Sunday night.

So soak up those fall rays of sun while you can! 🙂

Happy Wednesday.

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