Fire crisis deepens in Australia as all communications to be cut in huge area south of Sydney.

Fire crisis deepens in Australia as all communications to be cut in huge area south of Sydney.

The Bushfires raging across Australia are just too much not to mention on this blog.

This page from the Australia Broadcasting Corporation has good live updates including this shocking one just released in the past few minutes.

This is absolutely all communications, including to hospitals. The area is about 300km long along the east coast and includes the outskirts of the Capital Canberra…. roughly half the size of Vancouver Island.

Multiple cities are surrounded by fire. People are taking shelter on ocean beaches and in boats on lakes to escape the flames.

If we resolve to do anything in the next year, and next decade, it has to be to demand and take absolutely drastic action against global warming. We must reduce our fossil fuel use drastically, quickly, and completely.

This is all happening with just 0.5ºC of warming so far. Imagine when it is 1ºC warmer, or 1.5ºC or 2ºC.

We must demand more of ourselves and our governments.

It can be done.

OK, that’s it, that’s the last blog post of the decade. Because next decade, we’re going to do better.

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