Fall Fair Starts today as does a change in the weather! Schedule your Fair with the Forecast here!

Fall Fair Starts today as does a change in the weather! Schedule your Fair with the Forecast here!

Doors open at 5PM for the 73rd Annual Fall Fair.  Tonight is $3.00 for 12 and over, and under 12 are free to get in! Check out the full details and entertainment at albernifair.com. If you want to come say hi and talk weather (like… is it really going to be a Harsh Winter!?) I’ll be at the Transition Town Booth on Friday and Saturday! Here’s what to expect for the weather:

Thursday – Beautiful!

It’s already a beautiful day! It will stay beautiful right through the evening. It might cloud up a little later but there is no chance of rain so definitely get out there and enjoy what might be our last shot at summer weather!

Friday – start wet, but ends OK!

Things get a little more complicated on Friday so I’ll go hour by hour. Expect some light showers and a cool start in the early morning. The main system is slated to arrive in the 10-11AM hour.

It will pick up steam in the 11AM-12PM hour.

And intensify in the 12-1PM hour with up to 4mm falling in that hour.  After it being so dry for so long, it might feel like a bit of a deluge. Watch for slippery roads!

There might be a bit of a break as the first wave moves south between about 1 and 3PM but the second wave will hit in the 3-4PM time slot with another 2mm of rain.

The Peak of Friday’s rain is expected between 4-5PM with up to 4mm falling in Port Alberni.  Again, this is all going to feel like a deluge as the drought of the last few months breaks!

The rains should back off and finally stop by 7PM.  The map below shows us dry in the 7-8PM hour.

There might be a few isolated showers the rest of the evening but it should be mostly dry from 8PM until the Fair closes on Friday night so at least the evening isn’t a total loss!  

Saturday – Bring a ‘Brelly just in Case

Saturday morning should only have some lingering showers as most of the system will have moved away.  The greatest chance of showers will be in the morning but there will be a chance all day.  It’ll be best to bring an umbrella with you to the parade and the Fair just in case!

Sunday – Fall sweeps in! Rain!

Sunday looks even more wet than Friday!  From early morning to the late afternoon after the Fair closes you can expect rain throughout!

It is definitely going to feel like Fall by the end of this Fall Fair! But that’s OK.  It’s going to be a great fair!  And we’re used to it in Port Alberni! Have a wonderful time at the fair and hopefully I’ll see you there!

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