Extreme Heat Monday – Should Break Thursday – Wildfire danger rising

Time to find water.

The forecast high from Environment Canada is 36°C (97°F) with a humidex of 38°C (100°F).

The UWash model below is not quite as extreme with a high of “only” between 33-35°C.

Either way, that is very hot and would break the short term high temperature since 1995 at the Airport of 31°C set in 2004. We broke the airport record for yesterday as well and are likely to break another one tomorrow and maybe Wednesday as temperatures remain in the mid to low 30s.

The heatwave should break on Thursday with temperatures falling back below 30 and what looks like a possibility of thundershowers but it will go back to warm, sunny and dry conditions into the weekend.  The normal high temperature for this time of year is 22°C.

The current wildfire danger rating in our area (Beaver Creek) is moderate (3) but is forecast to rise to high (4) tomorrow.


Enjoy the sun. The water is fine! Even in Cameronn Lake!


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