I’m back! Got caught up in various things over the past week and couldn’t post to the blog but I’m back now :). We have two beautiful days lined up as long as the fog isn’t too thick! Both Thursday and Friday should be beautiful and warm. Saturday will see some clouds move in.
In fact we should see sun or partly cloudy skies for most of the next week.
Strong front Sunday.
The model expects the front to move down the Island starting overnight Saturday and sit over the mid Island in the 11AM-2PM period Sunday.

Depending on the strength of the rain and the overall temperature there may even be some chance for a mix of rain and wet snow at higher elevations. Be careful if you are driving over any of the mountain passes.
Anemometer remains offline – donations accepted.
The anemometer (wind gauge) is still offline. I need to take it down and determine whether it is the anemometer that is bad or the transmitter box. Hopefully I can get to it this weekend. Replacements are about $150 for each plus shipping and customs as they come direct from the USA. I don’t like asking for donations but if you are so inclined, a few dollars to chrisale@gmail.com by EMT or paypal would be hugely appreciated.
Webcam back online – Pi functioning well!
The Raspberry Pi has settled into its role of weather server very nicely. My iMac still does the webcam broadcast and overlay functions during the say as the Pi is just not quite able to handle the computing power needed to do both, but it is close. Perhaps in a few years the Pi will have progressed enough that it will be able to handle the load of both. As it is now, my iMac sends webcam still images to the Pi for upload to the website and sends the stream up to Youtube. The Pi does all the weather work will hopefully soon also do timelapse movies from the still images. I need to dig up my scripts from a few years back to remember how to get it going. It’s nice to be able to put the iMac to sleep at night! Should cut down on some power use.
That’s all for now! Enjoy the Sunny last days of March!