Update: Seattle will Obliterate persistent heat record – Back to Extreme Fire Rating – Hot Weather for the Weekend – No rain before mid-August

Update: Seattle will Obliterate persistent heat record – Back to Extreme Fire Rating – Hot Weather for the Weekend – No rain before mid-August

Update: Seattle set to Obliterate Record.

As alerted to by Scott Sistek of KOMO news. Today will mark the 10th day of the year over 90°F (32°C) in Seattle, WA. The first time ever that this has been recorded in their 120yr history. They will likely add two more by Saturday. And it is only the beginning of August. By the end of the summer, who knows how many days the old record of 9 days (in 1959) will have grown to.”Smashed” simply won’t be a good enough adjective for the magnitude of the meteorological achievement. Welcome to climate change.


As I tweeted last night, we are back to an extreme fire rating for our area and other parts of the Island are rising as well.  Below is the latest map, I will update it when it changes after 12PM.


The latest Fire Weather forecasts predict dry conditions to continue in the short term with light winds today and heating over today and the wekeend and slightly stronger winds over the weekend.  Their long range forecast matches mine with a slight cooling Monday/Tuesday but a return to hot dry weather later next week.

It will get up to 35º C today… the hottest day of the week.

All dry to mid August.

Here is the longest range forecast.

Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 10.16.13 AM

Only 6.9mm on the consensus (Dark blue) line… but there is huge uncertainty with the top end at 150mm.  Put your money on the dark blue line.

Are are 10 day forecasts


Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 10.23.20 AMAnd American:

Screen Shot 2015-07-30 at 10.24.26 AM

Nearly identical.  5mm of rain isn’t going to make any difference to our drought.

Enjoy the fine weather folks.  But beware out there, and please conserve water the best you can.



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