Month: November 2012
Calm before the Weekend Storm
Murphy has reared his ironic head and ensured that what looks like the strongest storm of the winter so far will appear when my weather station is offline. Oh well, we can still admire it coming, revel in its effects, and watch other sources for the details (he says through gritted teeth :)) The next…
Weather Station Makes Its Journey
I dropped the Weather Station off at Purolator this morning. I am hopeful that it will be back at Davis Instruments in California by Friday. Monday should be the latest it would arrive. Below is the Purolator Tracker, I’ll update this image as I see updates from Purolator: Since we seem to be into picking…
Contest Begins – Weather Station offline 10 days or more.
As I noted last week, my station is in need of repair. So later today I will be dismantling it and removing it from my roof so I can send it back to California to get repaired and upgraded. This means the current weather values will be offline until it comes back. I would anticipate…
Lest we Forget – Snow flies 24hr before Contest starts
First – Lest we Forget. Today we pause to remember those who have given their bodies and minds to protect us. Veterans of all wars no matter how big or small or what their cause or result deserve our utmost respect as well as respect from Government. The snow has started to fly this morning.…
Brrrr! Fog keeps us steady – Sunday rain or?
There are plenty of spots on the Island that are below zero at this hour before the sun has risen. In Port, the fog formed as we approached zero and its been steady all night. There is a little bit of frost and the roads will be slippery. Be careful out there. The forecast calls…