Month: August 2011

  • Perseids Peak Tonight!

    I almost forgot but thankfully “Gordy” reminded me! It’s the peak of the Perseid meteor shower tonight! The Perseids are the most well known meteor shower. They occur every year at this time and the tails of the comets point to “Perseus” the Hunter constellation, thus the name. Unfortunately there is a full moon tonight,…

  • Continuing mild but mostly nice

    We should continue with the pattern of the last few days. Fog will greet us each morning followed by mostly sunny to partly cloudy skies and highs in the low-20 to mid-20s. The weekend is actually forecast to be cloudy, but there shouldn’t be any rain associated with that and I expect that we’ll get…

  • Beautiful weather for the new beautiful DSLR ‘HD’ webcam

    The fantastic weather should continue. There will be a few clouds tonight and tomorrow but they’ll just move on through and be replaced with more sun and warm temperatures. I’m hoping that this weather is going to stick around for the entire month of August. No promises, the end of August is usually iffy… but…

  • That’s not a Timelapse – *This* is an HD Timelapse

    Not only is it a great weekend in the sun. Not only is it a great weekend at the drag races. Not only is it a great weekend at the lake. It’s a great day for a timelapse, and I just rigged up a Canon Digital Rebel to try out as an HD quality timelapse.…

  • Papa the Windows Guru

    Special thanks to Papa for realizing I had some legacy code in my website that was breaking Internet Explorer support! YAY PAPA! (For those that could not see the video before, you should now.) Oh, and as far as the weather goes… this fog should burn off by afternoon, and stay gone for most of…