Wet but warm week coming

When the fog clears on Wednesday it looks like its going to be replaced by slightly higher cloud rather than any hints of blue sky. Yes, I said blue sky. If you had the opportunity to go over the hump or to the West Coast this weekend you would have seen glorious sunshine. Yes, this is what we get for living in a Valley. Consider it payment for having such wonderful views of our ring of mountains and hills. It does give us some relief from freezing temperatures though. We were forecast to get as low as minus 3 over the weekend but didnt break zero at the Airport.

We have a lot of rain coming our way over the next week starting Wednesday afternoon.

Not anything torrential mind you, just a steady threat of rain showers that will end up adding up to quite a bit (100mm) by the time the week is over.

Here is the forecast model:


I think there may be a chance for some mixed rain and snow on the East Island and possibly in Port Alberni on Wednesday morning as the cold air sticks in some places longer in some places and the warm Pacific air might not mix down right away. But it won’t be anything widespread, at least that’s not expected.

Have a happy Monday!

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One response to “Wet but warm week coming”

  1. Nick Avatar

    Yes, as soon as one gets out of the Valley, it was quite nice today. We went down to Camp ‘A’ (where Franklin Forest Products is) to do some work and it was sunny.. a cool wind coming up off the water, but that was ok. Keeps the bugs away.