Webcam is Up and Running!
Hi everyone!
Well, the Webcam is up and running… currently it’s just looking out my basement window. Not exactly ideal as it’s under our porch but any other window and it’d be looking into our neighbours yard, which isn’t cool. I likely won’t be able to install it on the roof until the weekend at least. Need *some* decent weather. 🙂
I’ve decided to point it NorthWest, towards Comox Glacier. The Sun will eventually damage it if I point it directly South… I’m thinking of framing it with the mill stacks in the far left corner and hopefully the Beauforts in the far right. It has a 90 degree lens on it. It actually looks wider than I had even hoped.
If you’re looking for the Highway 4 webcam. There is a direct link in the Webcams menu.
Just listening to the Highways radio channel.. they were wondering if we’d get 20-30cm before they post the snowfall warning. That 20-30mm of rain might all come down as snow, what do you think? Global warming my ass! 😉
pretty cool cam, looked at it at 10pm and saw nothing but black, looked at it at 2am almost and saw the snow.
ya, i think once it’s outside it will actually be able to see pretty well out there at night, there’s so much light from the City. Especially when it’s foggy, it’s quite bright.
I’ll be working on building an animated GIF from it today. One frame for every 5min at 2 frames per second will produce a nice 2 minute movie of the day, and nights, weather.
How fresh is that snow? from last night? Here in Nanaimo we have between 5-10 cms, depends how high you live.
It has started to rain now, it’s very close though. Brad says he saw snow on the webcam at 2AM, I think it was probably off and on all night.
It’s only about 5cm here where i am, but could be a lot more in other parts of the Valley.
nice web site everything looks great. were do i find the still shots of your web cam though?
We had about 9 – 10cm out at the lake. I was viewing your cam last night & could see the snow too…which was surprising! The snow started about 11 pm’ish and I stayed up to watch it until about 1:30am. Looking forward to the cam shots!
sounds right, i looked out the window at 1145 in town here and there was already an inch or so on the road itself.
Hey kirstin, Sorry I didn’t see your comments stuck in the queue until today.
You should be able to find the still shots now. Yesterdays shots are named a little weird as I was setting up the system for animation and archiving and stuff. It’s standardized now though.