The Heat Returns – Come to Harbour Quay 5:30PM Monday!

Well, that big high pressure ridge forecast last week has set up camp over the Pacific NorthWest and California today.

The level of heat we get will depend on when the fog clears on these cool damp mornings. They’re calling for 29 and 28 on Tuesday and Wednesday.

For perspective: 29 would be 7 degrees above normal for September. The maximum for September was set in 1988 on Sept 2, at 37C. The normal temperature is around 18.

On another note. If you’re looking to have some fun on a Monday evening. Come down to the Harbour Quay at 5:30PM tomorrow (Monday). There will be a Global Wake-Up Call event being held there… bring your cellphone and some locally grown produce to symbolize what many are doing to reduce their Carbon Footprint, we’ll shake them for the cameras and we’ll phone up our MLA Scott Fraser, MP James Lunney(who apparently believes Climate Change is a big conspiracy), and Prime Minister Harper (Who I’m sure shares the beliefs of his MP) so that we can all deliver a big message to get serious on Climate Change.

You can see more information and all the events going on around the world here.

And by the way, for the 3rd month in a row, ocean temperatures set a new record high since 1880. The vast majority of records have all been set since 1990. Lots of details about abnormal temperatures around the world this summer here on Dr. Jeff Masters Blog.

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2 responses to “The Heat Returns – Come to Harbour Quay 5:30PM Monday!”

  1. Tazz Avatar

    Just had a look at the EC forecast….29 wow….but have a look at the low….5…brr….or should I say NICE….ha ha ha ha!….I like the cold.

  2. Chris (admin) Avatar

    Ya for sure! That’s quite the spread!