Storm Train – Live updates intermittent
Hey all!
First have to let you know my webhost has had a security breach and has locked down its system so that is preventing live updates from reaching the website. The information you’ll see today will be from Environment Canada instead. I’ve been told it should return by the end of the day today.
I hope you had a chance to enjoy the sun yesterday! I told you you’d need sunglasses this week! :+)
Unfortunately, we have a number of storms coming our way for the rest of the week. One tonight, one tomorrow and another stronger one on Friday. They will all bring rain.
There may not be wind warnings for our area (Inland Sections) on Friday evening, but you can guarantee they will come for the West Coast and East Coast of the Island… late Friday night and early Saturday morning ferry users beware.
This is the forecast for 7PM Friday night as the system hits the Island.
We will have to watch Solander Island and Cape Scott for the hurricane force 70knot (130kph) winds. Southern parts of the West Coast Vancouver Island should see gusts to 50knots (90kph)
It will be a blustery night for folks. The East Coast will of course die down last so it might disrupt the first ferry sailings of the day on Saturday.