The week ahead doesn’t need much explanation. For the most part, it will be clear, sunny and warm in the day with maybe a little fog developing in the morning.
It won’t be perfectly sunny though. There look to be what should be a few weak systems come through on Wednesday, late Thursday and Saturday. But they should not amount to too much. We will keep an eye on them.
What I really want to show off though is the new webcam setup!
I now have two webcams and have merged the images into one:

Right now they are pointed generally South East and South West, but my goal is to have these cameras on the roof of the house and point them South and East and eventually have two more than point North and West. That will be further down the line.
I have more in store for the media offerings, but we’ll see if I can get to them this month. It’s going to be a busy one.
Tomorrow… we can do a May review!
Happy Sunny Monday!