Snow Contest 2011! Win tea and chocolate!
Entries now Closed! Good Luck!
It’s time to rev-up the snow contest! Pick your date and time in the comments of this post only and you might win a gift pack of Mighty Leaf Tea and chocolate from Healthy Habits at the Harbour Quay.
Update: I have added a new rule (#7) and updated rules #1 and #5
We’re a couple weeks earlier than normal for this contest… hmmm. I wonder if that means anything! 🙂
When will we get the first measureable amount of snow on the ground at Alberniweather Headquarters (Central Port near the Salvation Army).
Here are some resources to help you make your decision. Note that *none* of these resources actually predict snow on the ground, only trends in temperature and possible precipitation. We all know how different our micro-climate can be compared to other parts of the Island or BC, so keep that in mind. 🙂
Accuweather Latest Weekly Long Range Forecast
Accuweather Winter (meteorological December 1 to March 1) Forecast for Canada
Long Range GFS Model forecast charts (2 1/2 weeks view)
Here are the rules:
#1: You must pick a date, hour, and minute on a zero (eg. July 3 12:40). The date you choose must be after the closing date of the choosing period (see Rule #5).
#2: Closest time wins.
#3: You must enter your choice in the comments section of this post.
#4: You can only pick once, so choose carefully.
#5: You have 1 week to make your choices, choices must be entered by 6AM Monday, October 31, 2011.. The contest will be “live” after 6AM on October 31st.
#6: A measureable amount is generally when the snow completely covers the ground with no gaps and registers at least 1cm on a standard ruler or tape measure. Snow must be measured on the ground on grass, rather than a deck, or sidewalk or road.
#7 (NEW RULE): You can change your guess at anytime before the end of the guessing period. I will use the last guess posted from you in the comments.
#8: I reserve the right to add to or change these rules since I probably missed something. 🙂
So that’s it. Start picking! As your guesses start to come in I will put them on a Google Calendar so that you can see them all.
Good Luck!
november 15th 5:30pm
Thanks Holly!
Nov 6th, 3:33am! (Because I put my snow tires on on Remembrance Day each year).
Note I changed your time to 3:30AM so it was on a zero 🙂
November 5, 2011 – 5:30pm
I’ve added both Brian and Crystal now. (You can see them by clicking the right arrow on the Calendar to move it to November)
November 1 at 6:13AM
I’ve added yours as 6:10AM 🙂
December 5th, 2011 4 pm
I’ve added yours as 4:00PM 🙂
November 6, 8:00 pm
dec 1, 4:40 am
Thanks Tamara!
October 31, 06:10
Ooh. Jenn, bids $1 🙂
(hopefully everyone gets the Price Is Right reference)
Love this yearly adventure! I pick December 4th at 7 p.m.
Chris. My educated guess is Friday Nov.18th. 21:10 hrs
Bill Murray
I don’t know Bill, “Educated” guesses might get you disqualified! ;=)
November 14 5:50 am
November 5 11:50 pm
Farmer’s Almanac made me change it, lol.
Do you have a link to the Farmers Almanac Shelley?
Would love to post it.
December 27th 9:40 PM
Oct 31st at 7pm …even though I can’t actually win 😉
I’ll put it up there anyway! Thank you for donating the prize! 🙂
December 17th 4:20 pm
Done! Thanks Loobird19 🙂
Nov 20, 8:00 AM
Posted! Thanks Aussie73!
nov.27 9.40 pm
Thanks Shanninski!
0730 Nov 5th
Thanks Tazz!
November 7 at 11:12 am
Thanks Memaseven60!
Tammy Nov. 29, 11 at 3:30am
Thanks Tammy!
Nov.12th 6am
End of the world? Not! LOL ..Just a bit of snow 😀
Thanks Gidgie!
November 24th 11:00 am
Thanks Skropninski!
December 5, 11:20 am
Thanks Bill!
Laura J, December 3, 2011, 02:20 am
Thanks Laura!
November 15th, 2011 at 04:15
Done! I’ve made your 4:10AM to be on a zero
Disqus generic email templateThank you. Some of us obviously don’t read the instructions. —– Original Message —–
From: Disqus
Sent: Friday, October 28, 2011 9:32 PM
Subject: [alberniweather] Re: Snow Contest 2011! Win tea and chocolate!
Chris Alemany wrote, in response to artjen:
Done! I’ve made your 4:10AM to be on a zero
Link to comment
November 17, 2011 at 7:30 am
November 4th at 630am
Thank Keith
November 3rd 11:30 pm
Thanks Joanne!
Nov 11th 11PM
Thanks Linda!
Let it Snow!
Nov 24th 10:30am
Thanks Sheryl E!
Dec. 6th at 5:30am
Thanks Tim!
Nov. 9th midnight
Thanks Robert!
Hi Chris, you missed my entry on the calendar.
Sorry Robert! It looks like the calendar doesn’t like 00:00 as a time 🙂 So I’ve put you down for 00:10 🙂
Nov.7th 5:30am
Thanks Chuck!
Ryan Sumen
November 16, 10:20 P.M.
Thanks Ryan!
jochem juurlink
november 16, 6:10 am
Thanks Jochem!
November 26, 4:30am
Thanks Twickus!
Novv 28 @ 2AM
Dec 18 @ 00:30.
Thanks Tek!
Nov.30 @ 0300 hrs
after doing a little more research I would like to change my prediction to
Dec 13 8PM
Under the wire! 🙂 Done!