Skyfall in Russia – Maybe Snowfall in Alberni
Late Thursday night reports filtered out that a large Meteor exploded over a city near the border with Kazakstan, injuring around 500. (Mostly from flying glass)
You will see plenty of pictures of the meteor flying over, so I won’t post those. What you really have to hear, is the explosion.
Check this out:
This was not the large Asteroid that is flying very close to Earth today, but its not unreasonable to think its related. If that Asteroid is the big one of the pack, there are likely a bunch of little ones hovering around it like a little gang of space junk flying through the cosmos.
As Bill Nye (BILL BILL BILL BILL!) says, the big one only missed us by about 15 minutes. In other words, had we been meeting each other 15 minutes earlier, then the asteroid would hit us and the result in a populated area without any warning would have been 500,000 or more dead and injured instead of only 500. CBC has an excellent article here.
And no, Asteroids having nothing to do with global warming (no really, someone actually asked Bill that!).
Getting to the weather:
There is drizzle with a chance of meteors. Expect cold rain on Saturday morning. After that, we are slated to cool right off. And that sets us up for Monday where the cool air will stick around:
And will be met by precipitation.
So once again, will we have the cold air stick around through the day long enough to meet that wet and give us snow? At this point I’m thinking the precip will be too light to drop the temperature enough if it is above zero so if you want snow, hope that it gets a little colder on Sunday night and Monday morning than its telling us now. We shall see!