Rainfall Warning – up to 150mm – (Updated)

Update Sunday 8AM

The Airport got 12mm on Saturday. The more serious rain has come overnight and today though. So far we have 25m at Alberniweather since Midnight and wind gusts to 60kph. Our rain total for the storm since Friday is 43mm.

Here is the updated Rainfall Warning. We should get another 30mm at least. Unless the Airport has received far more than me, overall we have not had as much as they originally predicted. We are still very much able to beat the all time dry record since July.


Inland Vancouver Island
4:29 AM PDT Sunday 14 October 2012
Rainfall warning for
Inland Vancouver Island continued

Additional rainfall amounts of up to 70 mm expected today.

This is a warning that significant rainfall is expected or occurring in these regions. Monitor weather conditions..listen for updated statements.

A strong Pacific frontal system crossing the British Columbia coast will continue to spread rain heavy at times over most South Coast regions today. Additional rainfall amounts of 50 to 70 mm are expected near Squamish and the north shore of Metro Vancouver and 30 to 50 mm elsewhere. The rain will ease late today as the system moves inland and weakens.

The system will also bring strong southeasterly winds of 80 km/h to West Vancouver Island this morning. The strong winds will ease near midday with the passage of the front.


In case you had not already heard (if you’re following on Facebook or Twitter you would! :))

Here is the official warning from Environment Canada as of 11AM Saturday morning:

There is also a possibility for strong Winds on the West Coast.

Inland Vancouver Island
10:56 AM PDT Saturday 13 October 2012
Rainfall warning for
Inland Vancouver Island continued

Rainfall amounts of up to 150 mm expected tonight through Sunday. This is a warning that significant rainfall is expected or occurring in these regions. Monitor weather conditions..listen for updated statements.

A strong Pacific frontal system will reach the British Columbia coast later today spreading rain heavy at times over most South Coast regions tonight through Sunday. Total amounts of up to 150 mm are expected to fall over West Vancouver Island and over 100 mm for Squamish and the north shore of Metro Vancouver. Near 80 mm are expected over the other affected regions. The rain will ease late Sunday as the system moves away to the east.

The system will also bring strong southeasterly winds of 80 km/h to West Vancouver Island overnight tonight. The strong winds will ease midday Sunday with the passage of the front.

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7 responses to “Rainfall Warning – up to 150mm – (Updated)”

  1. Mike Shepherd Avatar
    Mike Shepherd

    I think Mommy Nature finally got the “It’s Fall!” memo. We’ve already got 30mm of rain in Ucluelet as of this writing, and it’s still coming down pretty good. Wouldn’t surprise me if we got close to what’s forecast, too.

  2. Chris Alemany Avatar

    Ya it’s starting to pick up here again… still doesn’t seem quite as bad yet here as they were saying. I’d be surprised if we got 100mm

  3. Tom W Avatar
    Tom W

    Some of the wind gusts last night sounded pretty severe.

  4. Nick Avatar

    I have recorded 92mm of precip for Oct 13/14. (31mm/61mm) I’m thinking the high location of your rainbucket has allowed a large majority of the precip to be swept away by the wind?
    Maquinna school, albeit not as sheltered as here, but more than your house, recorded 46mm today so far.

    Just my 2 bits.

  5. Chris Alemany Avatar

    Ya I agree Nick. Mine is the most exposed of all of them. That said, the Airport got surprisingly little as well. 68mm since Thursday http://www.climate.weatheroffice.gc.ca/climateData/dailydata_e.html?StationID=8045&Month=10&Day=14&Year=2012&timeframe=2

    1. Nick Avatar

      Well we know the airport lives in its own microsystem after watching it for years say it was never hot in Port Alberni, and this year it said it was hot in town and everyone is walking around in jackets. Go figure.

      1. Chris Alemany Avatar

        Ya, the joys of meteorology with limited data. Hey, could you post your total precip in the current (this morning) thread at your station from July 1 to today? It’ll give us another data point to consider for the 1896 record.