Possible Thunderstorms today

Looks like there is a possibility of thunderstorms today and likely tomorrow as well. I can see on the Lightning tracking map (click the orange link in the forecast) that the Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley are getting a fair amount of lightning. Would love to see some here! Especially if it brought a nice dump of rain with it to cool things off and water my parched and prickly grass.

More of the same through the week. Getting hotter tomorrow and then will start to cool down. Mid-to-late August looks like we might get a break in the dry spell and have some weather come in from the West, but who knows. This ridge of high pressure has been strong and persistent!

There have been extreme heat temperature records set all across Europe and the Middle East this year. 16 in total now. If you’d like to know more about that, check out this blog from Dr. Jeff Masters.

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