More Warm Days Ahead!
This afternoon was just beautiful and we can expect more for the rest of the week!
We got up to a pleasant 22.7C, no records, but certainly well above average.
Should get a little more rain for those April flowers before the month is out, but hopefully this little stretch bodes well for the summer.
In Global climate news… the buzz is that the La Nina current is diminishing and will be officially declared over within the next week or so. According to Dr. Jeff Masters at Wunderground.
Nearly all the model forecasts for the Niño 3.4 region predict neutral conditions for the August – October peak of hurricane season. Four out of 21 El Niño models are predicting an El Niño event for hurricane season; three are predicting a La Niña, and fourteen are predicting neutral conditions.
For us, that should mean a fairly average fall and winter. But it’s still very early in the year.