I heard Mark Madryga on CKNW this morning say this might be our last official kick at the can this summer… and Brett Anderson at seems to agree as well. So get out there today, or this evening after work (if you’re like me) and soak up some of those last rays of warm bright sunshine!! That said. It’s still calling for 25 and sunny on the weekend, in my books, that’s just about perfect summer weather, no? 🙂

Oh, some sad news, my webcam looks to be on the fritz. I know many of you noticed it degrading over the past few months and now I’m in contact with the manufacturer and they’re letting me return it for replacement. It will likely be a few weeks before I have it back up and running. I’m considering also just getting a new webcam altogether…. suggestions welcome… but we’ll see.

The sockeye are done, here come the Springs! I’m told that fishing hasn’t been great so far, but I have heard of 25 and even a 40 pounder being caught in the Inlet, so it can’t be all bad. Of course, we all know that Port Alberni and the Alberni Valley kick butt when it comes to fishing all year ’round so don’t forget to vote every 12 hours for Port Alberni as Ultimate Fishing Town!

No Rail? No Coal!:
I’ve got a few volunteers and I’m looking for some more now that I’m back at work and can’t be in town during the day. If anyone is interested in manning/womanning (personning??) a table during the day in the next week or two, give me a call/email, if you’re interested in taking the petition around your neighbourhood or workplace, give me a call/email. Or if you’d just like to talk about the petition, give me a call/email. You can find my contact info at

I will be at the Harbour Quay again on Saturday Morning gathering signatures and it’s always available at the Free Store on Bute Street. Remember this thing is all about how we should be transporting this amount of stuff to Port Alberni. If you’re not sure whether to sign just ask yourself, “If a mine were to happen, would you rather the product be transported by truck, or train?”.

About The Author

3 thoughts on “Lots going on!

  1. Wow… Rain this afternoon was really patchy in spots. Was wet down on the harbour, wet out the Creek way, but dry at my house in South Port. Only in Port Alberni.

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