Davis is Goin’ Down
I may have to drive down to California myself and smack some Davis Instruments people around. After waiting for 3 weeks for my new temperature/humidity sensor to come. I installed it 2 days ago… and now it’s “flatlined”. I get no readings for the temp or humidity and it seems to have messed up my software so that all the graphs are flatlined.
I have to say I’m at my wits end with this company. I’ve swapped every single component of the station except for the rain gauge… some twice… and still it refuses to work reliably.
I’m going to have to demand a full replacement system, shipped at their cost, Express. Because this is simply insane. These are supposed to be precision instruments, and I’ve had nothing but trouble.
I’m very sorry for the inconvenience this is going to cause people coming to this site. If you would like to help, please, leave a comment or send an email that I could pass along to Davis Instruments. Perhaps if they got the idea that this was a little more than just a guy with a weather hobby, they’d be more inclined to act quickly.
In the meantime, I’ll try to get up on the roof… AGAIN.. on Halloween to put back the old sensor… at least when that part was malfunctioning it didn’t take everything else down with it.
ARRRRRRRGHHHH… ok, I’m done venting.
UPDATE: All the data is currently offline. Sorry folks. I’ll be up on the roof Wednesday at the latest.
these guys at davis sound like real winners, I for one wouldnt do busines with them if they dont fix your problem and ill spread the word!
Ya, i really don’t know. I gotta say, whenever I talk to them, they’re incredibly nice, and helpful. They are quick to send a replacement part and this last one, even though the Station is out of warranty, they didn’t charge me for because of all the trouble I’ve had.
But at this point. I want to start with all new parts. I don’t know what’s wrong with this station, but it’s snake bitten and all the parts in the world that they can send me don’t seem to help.